Theodore perdios

Born Lausanne, Switzerland, 1991

A SWISS-GREEK artist, ARCHITECT, and DESIGNER, PERDIOS BRINGS A VISIONARY AND AMBITIOUS LANGUAGE TO THE WORLD OF LUXURY collectible DESIGN. Committed to challenging convention and disrupting the expected, perdios makes ingenious use of BOLD SHAPES to lend his works an unmistakable signature and a singular EMOTIONAL IMPACT. His WORK achieves an exquisite balance between PLAYFULNESS AND SOPHISTICATION, AUDACITY AND ELEGANCE, creating an ethos of bold CREATIVITY that enlivens any space or context

While his vision is rooted in the vocabulary of  FURNITURE AND OBJECT design, his works transcend functionality to become veritable works of art that invite contemplation through their nuanced exploration of bold geometries, architectural volumes, unexpected textures, and dynamic sense of movement

Endlessly curious to discover narratives that allow us to see the world around us anew, perdios carefully crafts EACH work to tell A UNIQUE STORY, each an exploration into UNKNOWN TERRITORIES that explode the boundaries between styles, genres, and artistic disciplines. Designed by perdios in Zurich, his works are handcrafted by master artisans in italy and are exclusive to studiotwentyseven



Theodore perdios

Born Lausanne, Switzerland, 1991

A SWISS-GREEK artist, ARCHITECT, and DESIGNER, PERDIOS BRINGS A VISIONARY AND AMBITIOUS LANGUAGE TO THE WORLD OF LUXURY collectible DESIGN. Committed to challenging convention and disrupting the expected, perdios makes ingenious use of BOLD SHAPES to lend his works an unmistakable signature and a singular EMOTIONAL IMPACT. His WORK achieves an exquisite balance between PLAYFULNESS AND SOPHISTICATION, AUDACITY AND ELEGANCE, creating an ethos of bold CREATIVITY that enlivens any space or context

While his vision is rooted in the vocabulary of  FURNITURE AND OBJECT design, his works transcend functionality to become veritable works of art that invite contemplation through their nuanced exploration of bold geometries, architectural volumes, unexpected textures, and dynamic sense of movement

Endlessly curious to discover narratives that allow us to see the world around us anew, perdios carefully crafts EACH work to tell A UNIQUE STORY, each an exploration into UNKNOWN TERRITORIES that explode the boundaries between styles, genres, and artistic disciplines. Designed by perdios in Zurich, his works are handcrafted by master artisans in italy and are exclusive to studiotwentyseven
