New New York
27 hotest places to visit in New York City

Three years after the pandemic, the city that never sleeps is reborn, more attractive and dynamic than ever.
Bursting with new restaurants, hotels, galleries, it celebrates spring under the sign of design




At the head of this incredible 700 m2 gallery recently inaugurated, Nacho Polo, interior designer, and Robert Onuska, luxury visual merchandiser. They exhibit there, as in a collector’s apartment, the limited edition creations of more than 80 architects, artists, designers, and their contemporary private art collection. Note their weakness for French designers

In the image, mirror by Stéphane Parmentier, coffee table by Pierre-Yves Guénec, chairs by Martin Massé and Thomas Moisan, lamp by Thierry Lemaire. Hanging bear by Paola Pivi

Words Soline Delos
Photo Vincent Leroux
Location STUDIOTWENTYSEVEN New York Gallery

