Antonin Hautefort & Ignatio Tenggara
Born Paris, France, 1994 & Born Jakarta, Indonesia, 1992
Founded by Antonin Hautefort and Ignatio Tenggara, atelier Pendhapa is a cross-cultural exchange between the two visionary artists. At the core of everything they do is a steadfast commitment to contextual understanding, a willingness to consider multiple perspectives, and a dedication to engaging our innate humanity. The name Pendhapa is derived from the iconic vernacular structure found throughout Indonesia that Embodies the core principles of their practice: timelessness, adaptability, community, and mystique. By Fusing modern culture with traditional techniques and materials, the studio generates innovative forms that push the boundaries of contemporary design
in close collaboration with skilled artisans, Atelier Pendhapa creates work that stands the test of time. The combination of visionary design and heritage craftsmanship sparks meaningful conversations that inform and inspire the work. Through their emphasis on timelessness and high quality materials, Atelier Pendhapa aims to ensure the longevity of their works while promoting sustainable practices
Both architects by training, Hautefort and Tenggara met at the Architectural Association in London while completing their master of Architecture. While Hautefort grew up in France, Tenggara comes from Indonesia. their radically different cultural backgrounds and shared fascination for local craftsmanship motivated them found Atelier Pendhapa in 2019 with the ambition to dissolve the boundaries between furniture and architecture. They have studios in London, Paris, Singapore, and Jakarta, and have been featured in Surface, Design Milk, STIRPad, Aspire Home + Design, and more.