FOUNDED PARIS, France, 2000
Born out of the vision, imagination, and friendship of designers Etienne Gounot and Eric Jähnke, Ozone combines traditional craftsmanship with the latest LED technology and a playful spirit to create unparalleled sculptures in light. With their roots in the métiers d’art as well as the technology of light, Ozone has become renowned for a singular technical approach that foregrounds quality of light in in the construction of the exquisite forms of their luminaires
Inspired by classical French craftsmanship, Asian minimalism, Bauhaus design principles, and an obsession with the work of Paul Klee, the clean lines of Ozone designs compose timeless geometries that complement and elevate any aesthetic. Their goal is not simply to create inimitable light fixtures, but to craft intimate, indelible moments shaped by light that feels almost magical
Ozone collaborates regularly with luxury brands and the world’s foremost interior designers and architects, including Joseph Dirand, Glenn Sestig, Jean Michel Wilmotte, and Régis Botta. Handcrafted in the workshop of rue Notre-Dame de Nazareth in Paris, Ozone fixtures feature artisanship, materials, finishes, and lighting performance of the highest quality